Resilience - Yes

In person and online psychological therapy, personal consultancy and coaching services in St. Paul’s, Central London

Fees and Contact

How It Works

Firstly, I offer a FREE 15-minute initial Zoom consultation, during which I ask you questions and learn about your issues. I can answer any questions or concerns you might have and talk you through the psychotherapy process. If you want to proceed and I feel I can help you, you can book your first session.

Online Therapy Sessions

Currently I am not available for face-to-face sessions. However, online sessions are a highly effective way of undergoing psychotherapy, coaching or personal consultancy. Psychotherapy is most effective with weekly sessions. Please click the link to your session, and you will be admitted to access our online therapy room.

Session Information

  • Length: Sessions last up to 50 minutes.
  • Individual online sessions cost: £ 100.00 per session, current availability.
  • In person sessions and online specialist trauma-based treatments (such as EMDR, DBT etc.) cost: £120.00 per session, no available appointments at present.
  • Cancellation: Please allow seven days' notice to cancel pre-booked sessions; otherwise, you will be charged the standard fee if you cannot attend.

Get in touch

Needing help can feel daunting, and reaching out is the first step. Please fill out the form and questions on the contact page, and I will get back to you within 24 hours during work hours. We can then arrange a convenient time for a 15-minute FREE consultation via Zoom.

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