Resilience - Yes

In person and online psychological therapy, personal consultancy and coaching services in St. Paul’s, Central London


In person and online psychological therapy, personal consultancy and coaching services in St. Paul’s, Central London.

In person in St Pauls, Central London and Online.

I use a mix of evidence-based approaches, tailored to address the individual needs of each client and I can help with a range of issues, including but not limited to:

Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Self-esteem issues, Life transitions, Parenting, Coping skills and more.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

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CBT aims to help you find new ways to behave by changing your thought patterns. Sessions focus on exploring and developing methods for daily challenges and behaviours. We focus on your thoughts, attitudes and beliefs and how they affect your actions and feelings. CBT is a short-term, goal-oriented therapy that works on the concept that our thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and actions are all interconnected. CBT teaches you how to improve your negative patterns by changing how you think, behave, and feel.

Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT)

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Compassion-focused therapy looks at evolution theory and how this affects the way we think. CFT also helps us generate emotions that can help change our thought patterns - like compassion. The brain is designed to create kindness, compassion, and more protective emotions like stress and anxiety. CFT is a very effective treatment to help with self-critical thoughts. Research has found that by developing our compassion, we can positively affect our brain and immune system.

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)

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DBT uses a problem-solving and acceptance-based framework, among other strategies, usually to treat moderate to severe chronic mental health conditions such as depression, severe anxiety, borderline personality disorder, suicidal ideation and self-harming behaviours. A treatment plan is developed with the client following a thorough initial assessment to address specific challenges.

Trauma-Focused Psychotherapy (TF)

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TF psychotherapy uses different techniques to help people process traumatic experiences. I may use visualisation, talking or getting you to think about changing the unhelpful beliefs about the trauma. I help you find ways to manage responses to danger and fear, which allows you to take greater control of the distress and anxiety. Recognising what is happening in your mind and body when you feel stressed and afraid increases feelings of well-being.

Schema Therapy (ST)

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Schema therapy combines elements of cognitive, behavioural, attachment, psychodynamic and gestalt models, making it genuinely integrative. Schema therapy (also referred to as schema-focused cognitive therapy) aims to change negative patterns or beliefs that people have lived with for a long time. These long-standing patterns or themes are called 'schemas'. The goal of schema therapy is to help you break these ways of thinking, feeling and behaving and replace them with healthier alternatives.

Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)

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Solution-focused brief therapy is a short-term therapy that focuses on setting goals and working out how to achieve them. It's about the future rather than the past and promotes positive change by encouraging you to focus on what you can do rather than what you can't. The main focus is to set clear, concise and realistic goals. Rather than discussing your current concerns in detail, a solution-focused therapist will explore how your life will be once these concerns are resolved. We focus on what you want and your strengths and only delve into the past as far as is necessary to understand your concerns. SFBT is a type of humanistic therapy that considers the client as the expert on themselves and their situation.

Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing (EMDR)

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EMDR helps you process and recover from past experiences affecting your well-being. It involves using side-to-side eye movements or tapping combined with talk therapy in a specific and structured format. EMDR is very different from talking therapy. EMDR helps you process the negative images, emotions, beliefs, and body sensations associated with traumatic memories that seem to be stuck. EMDR enables you to see things from a different perspective and relieves the symptoms you are suffering. With EMDR, the change in perspective comes from within, and there can be a remarkable change in how people think.

Sensory Integration Assessments (SIAs)

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Sensory integration assessments help young people or adults who struggle with processing sensory information in their environment. Symptoms might include being over (or under) sensitive to sound, touch, taste, light or smells – or being uncoordinated and struggling with an awareness of space. Some individuals may struggle to process what's happening inside their body, such as hunger, thirst, and emotional experiences. Engaging in conversation or other everyday activities can become challenging or overwhelming due to these difficulties in processing sensory input. SIAs can assess and address these sensory processing challenges, helping people to engage more effectively in the everyday activities that matter to them and increase their quality of life.

Personal Consultancy

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The Personal Consultancy (PC) model is described as a framework for integration (Popovic & Jinks, 2014) and allows more than one way of being with a client. The Personal consultant is given the freedom to integrate their work around specific client needs as opposed to having to fit the client into a particular model. Personal consultancy is holistic, as it recognises the validity of different therapeutic models within the process as well as the value of coaching. The PC framework allows the Personal consultant to draw from different therapeutic models, and incorporate those in client work in an organised, client-focused way.


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Coaching is the term used to describe an interactive and dynamic activity between two or more people (coach and client) in which the coach is able to assist clients to harness and develop their skills, abilities and capabilities to reach their personal and professional goals or potential. Generally, coaching is a structured, focussed interaction using appropriate tools and techniques to promote desirable and sustainable change for the client.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect from online psychotherapy sessions?

When you start working with an online therapist, you may feel nervous about meeting someone new. The therapeutic relationship is very important for success, and I create a safe, non-judgmental space to support you. Online sessions are a very convenient way of undergoing therapy, where you can find a quiet, comfortable space to be fully at ease.

What happens during our initial consultation and after that?

After you fill out the contact form, I will contact you to schedule an initial 15-minute FREE Zoom consultation, where we will discuss what issues you are experiencing and your goals for therapy. You can also ask me any questions about the therapy process. After your initial consultation, we can book your first in-depth online session.

Before we start working together, I would like you to have the opportunity to read the therapy agreement to ensure your autonomy as a client is maintained and you are clear about the therapy you are to undertake.


Full payment of sessions will be expected even if you are late for a session or do not attend a session. You are asked to pay seven calendar days in advance for your appointments. Fees are per session not per hour. You can also pay one month in advance to confirm your monthly appointment booking if you wish. We will meet at the same time/day each week via Zoom and you will receive the Zoom meeting link before your first therapy session.

You are not contracted to any specific number of sessions. You may terminate therapy without further cost at any time you wish.

What happens if I cannot attend our pre-booked session?

The standard procedure is to book the same day and time consecutively weekly. Please let me know seven days in advance if you cannot make your appointment the following week or if you are going away.

Are our therapy sessions confidential and private?

As a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), I work within their ethical framework. Transparency is the basis for a successful therapeutic relationship. Generally, the information you share during our sessions is kept confidential. There are a few exceptions to this where I am obliged to break confidentiality: if you disclose involvement in or knowledge of any criminal activities, or if there is a safeguarding issue where you or an adult related to you, or a child could potentially be under threat of harm or abuse. If you are not sure about something, we can discuss it further in the session.

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